Perinatal Hepatitis Resources

Testing and treatment resources for healthcare providers

Learn more about screening and treating pregnant women at risk for hepatitis.

To report a positive test for pregnant woman or infant call the reporting line: 360-778-6150 or fax positive lab results and demographic information to the confidential fax 360-778-6103 or use the Reportable Disease Fax Form .

Perinatal hepatitis B guidelines for prenatal care

1. Screen every pregnant woman for HBsAg early in each pregnancy.

As Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommend. Repeat HbsAg testing late in pregnancy if the woman is HBsAg negative and at high risk of hepatitis B infection (e.g., injection drug user, infected with other sexually transmitted diseases, has multiple sexual partners).

2. Report every HBsAg-positive pregnant woman within 3 business days.

WAC 246-101-101 requires providers report this condition. Health Department staff provide case management and follow-up services for infants and family members.

3. Counsel each HBsAg-positive pregnant woman.

  • How hepatitis B spreads.
  • How to prevent hepatitis B.
  • Need to get medical follow-up with a liver specialist.
  • Infant must get:
    • HBIG and hepatitis B vaccine within 12 hours of birth. Two additional doses of hepatitis B vaccine at 1–2 months old and 24 weeks old.
    • Post-vaccine screening at 9–12 months old to confirm the baby is protected. Or 1–2 months after final dose of vaccine series, if the series was delayed. If the series was delayed, post-vaccine serology should be collected 1–2 months after the final dose.
  • Household members and sexual partners need to be screened for hepatitis B. If susceptible, get vaccine at 0 months, 1–2 months and 4–6 months intervals.

4. Report every HBsAg-positive woman to the hospital prior to admission for delivery.

To ensure the infant gets appropriate post-exposure care.

More resources

Perinatal hepatitis C

Notify us of a pregnant woman with hepatitis C or the birth of an exposed infant.

More resources

We’re here to help.

Contact Whatcom County Health and Community Services at 360-778-6100
  • 360-778-6100 Main Call Line – available M-F 8:30am to 4:30pm.
    • Afterhours Answering Service – available after 4:30pm and weekends, call 360-778-6100 and press 2 to be connected to the on-call manager or health officer.
  • 360-778-6150 Communicable Disease Report Line – 24 hours a day 7 days a week
  • 360-778-6103 Confidential Communicable Disease Fax – 24 hours a day 7 days a week
  • 509 Girard Street, Bellingham WA 98225