Health Advisories

  • Health Advisory: Increase in Suspected Cases of Acute Flaccid Myelitis (AFM)

    Health Advisory: Increase in Suspected Cases of Acute Flaccid Myelitis (AFM)

    Increase in Suspected Cases of Acute Flaccid Myelitis (AFM) As of Oct. 9, 2018, 5 cases of acute flaccid myelitis (AFM) in Washington are being evaluated by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) neurologists and other AFM experts. All cases are among children between 7 months and 5 years of age who presented with…

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  • West Nile Virus

    West Nile Virus

    Background and Epidemiology WNV infection first became a public health problem in the United States in the late 1990s. WNV is a mosquito-borne flavivirus in the same family as yellow fever, dengue fever and St. Louis encephalitis. In rare situations, blood transfusion, organ transplant, transplacental, breastfeeding and percutaneous injury of laboratory workers can transmit the…

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  • Pertussis Fact Sheet

    Pertussis Fact Sheet


    To report a confirmed or suspect case of pertussis, complete the or call . Overview Pertussis is common and very contagious. It is caused by Bordetella pertussis. The bacteria infect cilia in the upper respiratory tract. Early symptoms are mild, like the common cold. Patients often experience violent coughing fits (paroxysms). These can be followed by…

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  • MRSA Resources for Schools

    MRSA Resources for Schools


    What is MRSA? Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a type of bacteria resistant to many forms of antibiotics. Many people carry it in their nose or on their skin. Most infections affect the skin, but MRSA can also infect other organs. Without treatment, infections can be life threatening, causing severe complications like sepsis or endocarditis.…

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  • Health Advisory: Unhealthy Air Quality

    Health Advisory: Unhealthy Air Quality


    Unhealthy Air Quality Guidance for Healthcare Providers On Aug. 19, 2018, the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency determined air quality in Pierce County will be unhealthy for everyone for the next several days. This means everyone should stay indoors and refrain from outdoor activities until the clean air agency lifts or revises the air quality…

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  • New Website Tutorial

    New Website Tutorial

    Learn how to use your new site.

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  • Flu Symptoms Checklist

    Flu Symptoms Checklist


    Should my child stay home from school? ☐ Yes     ☐ No     Does your child have a sore throat, bad cough or runny nose? ☐ Yes     ☐ No     Does your child have body aches and chills? ☐ Yes     ☐ No     Does your child have a  fever of 100°F or higher?   If no thermometer, does your…

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  • School Opiate Overdose Resources

    School Opiate Overdose Resources

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    Schools can prepare for opiate overdose. About 2,500 Washington State 12th graders had tried heroin at least once and even more (about 3,500 ) use pain killers to get high in any given month. Almost one in 10 teens believe prescription drug misuse carries little to no risk. –2018 Health Youth Survey If a student…

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  • Opiate Overdose Resources

    Opiate Overdose Resources

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    Schools can prepare for opiate overdose. “In 2016, about 3,621 Washington State 12th graders had tried heroin at least once and even more (about 4,526) use pain killers to get high in any given month.” If a student overdoses, a medication called naloxone could save their life. To prevent and prepare for opiate overdose, schools…

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  • Provider Training Opportunities

    Provider Training Opportunities


    These webinars include information for healthcare providers on HPV vaccination. Details and registration are available below. Getting Parents to “Yes!” One-hour recorded webinar by #PreteenVaxScene Webinar #11 NIAM Edition: Vaccine Conversations That Work for Providers & Parents Dr. Sharon Humiston, Academic Pediatric Associations; Dr. Nathan Boonstra, pediatrician; Dr. Margot Savoy, family physician You Are the…

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  • Fentanyl Safety Recommendations for First Responders

    Fentanyl Safety Recommendations for First Responders

    You can protect yourself from fentanyl exposure. The abuse of drugs containing fentanyl is killing Americans. First responders are likely to encounter fentanyl when responding to overdose calls, conducting traffic stops, arrests and searches. Inhalation of airborne powder is harmful. Wear gloves when you suspect the presence of fentanyl. Print Standard Size Print Poster

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  • Health Advisory: Hepatitis A Outbreaks Among Homeless in California

    Health Advisory: Hepatitis A Outbreaks Among Homeless in California


    Actions Requested Have increased suspicion for acute hepatitis A among people with acute onset of jaundice, markedly elevated liver function tests and other symptoms of acute viral hepatitis. Especially in those who are homeless and/or using drugs. Perform serologic testing on suspect cases: hepatitis A IgM or acute hepatitis panel. Provide hepatitis A vaccine to…

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