As of Aug. 31, you may no longer give current (monovalent) Moderna and Pfizer vaccines as booster doses to people 12 years or older.
Reschedule existing booster dose appointments for people 12 years or older for when bivalent vaccine booster doses are available.
You can still give current (monovalent) Moderna and Pfizer vaccines:
As booster doses to children 5–11 years old.
As a primary series to people 6 months or older.
Retain your current vaccine supply and use the vaccine marketplace to shift primary series doses to areas of need.
If possible, it is safe and recommended to administer the bivalent COVID-19 booster at the same time as the seasonal influenza vaccine, given in separate arms.
Local healthcare provider offices, local pharmacies, WCHD pop-up vaccine clinics are starting to receive the boosters.
Bivalent booster doses enhance immunity against the ancestral coronavirus strain and protect against newer Omicron variants that account for most current cases.
Bivalent booster doses provide optimal protection and address waning vaccine effectiveness over time.
Continue to use Moderna monovalent COVID-19 vaccine for:
Primary series for people 18 years or older.
Wondering what “up-to-date” vaccine status means, now that bivalent booster doses are added to the COVID-19 vaccine schedule?
You are up-to-date on COVID-19 vaccine when you have completed a primary series and received the most recent booster dose CDC recommends for you.
CDC recommends everyone 12 years or older get a bivalent booster dose at least 2 months after their last dose of COVID-19 vaccine, whether it was a primary series or previous booster dose.
Providers who ordered bivalent booster doses will or have received their initial allocation this week. Weekly allocations will follow in upcoming weeks, building the state’s inventory levels over time.
If you paused ordering COVID-19 vaccine, we recommend you order bivalent booster doses when they become more available.
Contact Whatcom County Health and Community Services at 360-778-6100
360-778-6100 Main Call Line – available M-F 8:30am to 4:30pm.
Afterhours Answering Service – available after 4:30pm and weekends, call 360-778-6100 and press 2 to be connected to the on-call manager or health officer.
360-778-6150 Communicable Disease Report Line – 24 hours a day 7 days a week
360-778-6103 Confidential Communicable Disease Fax – 24 hours a day 7 days a week