11/21/24 Health Advisory: Pertussis Update
Advisory or Update, Communicable Disease and Immunization Update, Health Advisory, Pertussis, Provider ResourcesWhatcom County Health and Community Services (WCHCS) staff continue to respond to a rise in pertussis infections at the local levels. Pertussis reports have also been rising in Washington state and nationally. WCHCS asks that healthcare providers remain alert for patients with symptoms of pertussis and to report suspected cases. Current Situation Pertussis cases reported…
12/28/20 Provider Advisory: Proclamations 20-05 and 20-24 prohibit certain medical and dental procedures unless specific procedures and criteria are met
Notice: This document replaces the WCHD Health Alert of the same name that was posted 12/24/20. Requested Actions Be aware, Governor Inslee extended proclamations 20-05 and 20-24 prohibiting certain medical and dental procedures unless certain specific procedures and criteria are met. All Western Washington healthcare facilities should operate in a contingency care phase—provide appropriate clinical care so…
12/28/20 – WCHD Health Alert: COVID-19 Vaccine
Notice: This WCHD Health Alert replaces the document of the same name posted 12/24/20 WCHD Health Alert: COVID-19 Vaccine Requested Actions Be aware, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued an Emergency Use Authorization for the use of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for people 16 years and older. Vaccination has begun in Whatcom County. Be…
12/24/20 – WCHD Health Alert: Quarantine Guidance
WCHD Health Alert – Quarantine Guidance Requested Actions For those who are able, quarantining for 14 days is the safest option to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Recent guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicates that 10-day or 7-day (with negative test <48 hours before ending) are options if there are significant barriers to…
12/24/20 – WCHD Health Advisory: Be aware of the increased suicide risk in youth during COVID-19
WCHD Health Advisory Requested Actions Screen patients for suicide risk, particularly children, teens, and young adults. Share information and resources with patients and their families on crisis support and suicide risk factors and warning signs Background Increased concern of suicide risk in youth A convergence of factors may be the cause of an increased risk…
12/3/20 Health Advisory: COVID-19 updates for providers
COVID-19, Emerging Diseases and Conditions, Immunizations, Infection Control, News and Alerts, Notifiable ConditionsHealth Advisory: COVID-19 updates for providers Requested actions Be aware, because of the rapidly increasing cases across the state, heightened restrictions continue through Dec. 14. Counsel patients on how to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Test patients with new COVID-19 symptoms and those who had close contact with a person with COVID-19. Be aware, an increased demand for…
Health Advisory: Influenza and COVID-19 Updates
Communicable Disease and Immunization Update, COVID-19, Health Advisory, Immunizations, Influenza, Influenza Update, News and Alerts, Notifiable Conditions, Provider Resources, UncategorizedPublished Oct. 20, 2020. Requested actions Recommend influenza vaccine for everyone over age 6 months without contraindications to the vaccine. You can use this toolkit to promote influenza vaccination among healthcare workers. Be aware Washington State Department of Health (DOH) released new guidelines on when people with COVID-like symptoms and no known exposure can return…
Health Advisory: COVID-19 Updates for Providers
Communicable Disease and Immunization Update, COVID-19, Health Advisory, News and Alerts, Provider ResourcesPublished Sept. 3, 2020. Requested actions Be aware COVID-19 testing guidance has not changed in Washington State or Whatcom County. Test all patients with COVID-19 symptoms and their close contacts, even if asymptomatic. Wait at least 5 days after exposure to test those without symptoms. Be aware Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) updated…
Health Advisory: Influenza Updates for Providers
Published Aug. 27, 2020 Requested actions Be aware CDC released new guidance on preventing influenza with vaccines during the 2020-2021 season. Background On Aug. 21, CDC released recommendations for immunization practices of seasonal influenza during the 2020-2021 season. Given the concurrent COVID-19 pandemic, widespread use of Influenza vaccine is more important than ever.. In addition…
8/13/20 Health Advisory: COVID-19 Updates for Providers
Published by DOH Aug. 11, 2020. Requested actions Be aware Washington State Board of Health adopted an emergency rule on COVID-19 notification and reporting. Be aware of Washington State Department of Social and Health Services’ (DSHS’) Safe Start for Long-Term Care (LTC) recommendations and requirements for: Nursing homes and intermediate care facilities for people with…
8/6/20 Health Advisory: Immunizations and COVID-19 Updates for Providers
Communicable Disease and Immunization Update, COVID-19, Health Advisory, Immunizations, News and Alerts, Provider Resources, SchoolsAugust 6, 2020 Requested actions Start planning for school-related immunizations. Be aware of the State Board of Health immunization rule change. Anticipate increased requests and demand. Be aware of the new guidelines regarding Tdap in schools. Provide students with medically verified immunization records for schools. Students must have their records by the first day of…
7/24/20: Health Advisory – COVID-19 Updates for Providers
Published July 24, 2020. Requested actions Be aware CDC updated its COVID-19 isolation duration guidance. Test all patients with new onset of COVID-19 symptoms, regardless of age or health status. Background Last week, CDC updated its guidance on the discontinuation of transmission-based precautions and disposition of patients with COVID-19 in healthcare settings. DOH updated its patient education to reflect…
TB Screening For Healthcare Personnel – Updated CDC Guidelines
CDC updated its guidelines for TB screening among healthcare personnel in 2019. Here’s what you need to know: *A companion document to these recommendations was put out in July 2020 by a task force comprised of the National Tuberculosis Controllers Association and the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. In it you will find expanded…