11/21/24 Health Advisory: Pertussis Update
Advisory or Update, Communicable Disease and Immunization Update, Health Advisory, Pertussis, Provider ResourcesWhatcom County Health and Community Services (WCHCS) staff continue to respond to a rise in pertussis infections at the local levels. Pertussis reports have also been rising in Washington state and nationally. WCHCS asks that healthcare providers remain alert for patients with symptoms of pertussis and to report suspected cases. Current Situation Pertussis cases reported…
05/11/21: WCHD Health Alert Influenza Updates
Requested Actions Strongly recommend influenza immunization to everyone 6 months or older, except when influenza vaccine is contraindicated. Immunize your patients against influenza or connect them with a pharmacy or healthcare provider who can. Be aware of optimal timing for influenza vaccine. Keep abreast of local, regional, and national influenza activity. Review influenza testing and…
10/23/21 Health Advisory: COVID-19 Updates for Providers
COVID-19, Emerging Diseases and Conditions, Health Advisory, Immunizations, Infection Control, News and Alerts, Provider Resources, SchoolsRequested actions Be aware, on October 22, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended a single booster dose of Moderna SARS-CoV-2 vaccine to certain high risk populations at least 6 months after their primary series under the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) expanded emergency use authorization (EUA). We are awaiting additional guidance from…
Provider Alert: Pop-Up Clinics For Week of October 24th 2021
Communicable Disease and Immunization Update, COVID-19, Immunizations, News and Alerts, Provider ResourcesYou can get vaccinated for COVID-19 at most places you’d go for a flu vaccine, like grocery stores, pharmacies, and health care clinics. In addition to these, there are a number of clinics happening all over the county next week: A Watered Garden Wednesday, Oct. 27, 3-7 pm 700 Strandell St, Everson, Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson…
Provider Alert: Pop-Up Clinics For Week of October 17th 2021
Communicable Disease and Immunization Update, COVID-19, Immunizations, Infection Control, News and AlertsPop-up vaccine clinics this week You can get vaccinated for COVID-19 at most places you’d go for a flu vaccine, like grocery stores, pharmacies, and healthcare clinics. In addition to these, there are a number of pop-up clinics happening all over the county next week: A Watered Garden Wednesday, Oct. 20, 3-7pm 700 Strandell St, Everson,…
10/12/2021 WCHD Provider Alert: COVID-19 Vaccine for Pregnant and Lactating People
Communicable Disease and Immunization Update, COVID-19, Immunizations, Infection Control, Provider ResourcesRequested Actions Promote COVID-19 vaccine among people who are pregnant, lactating or who may become pregnant. Only 31% of pregnant people in the U.S. are fully vaccinated. In 2021, 97% of pregnant people hospitalized for COVID-19 illness or labor and delivery with active infection were unvaccinated. Educate patients on the safety and effectiveness of COVID-19…
10/12/2021 WCHD Provider Alert: COVID-19 Vaccine 3rd and Booster Doses
Communicable Disease and Immunization Update, COVID-19, Health Advisory, Immunizations, Infection Control, Provider ResourcesRequested Actions Be aware of the confusion between the terminology and guidance for 3rd dose versus booster doses. Third dose: vaccine doses available now for people who are considered moderately or severely immunocompromised On August 12, the S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) amended its emergency use authorizations(EUAs) for Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines to allow an additional (third) dose…
10/11/2021 WCHD Provider Alert COVID-19 Monoclonal Antibody and Testing Updates
Communicable Disease and Immunization Update, COVID-19, Health Advisory, Immunizations, Infection Control, Provider ResourcesRequested Actions Be aware, Washington State is currently experiencing a shortage of anti-SARS-CoV-2 monoclonal antibodies (MAbs). Adhere to National Institutes of Health (NIH) guidelineson the use and prioritization of MAbs. Do not administer or prescribe Ivermectin for prevention or treatment of COVID-19. CDC issued a health alertabout the rapid increase in Ivermectin prescriptions and reports of severe…
Provider Alert: Pop-Up Clinics For Week of October 10th 2021
Acme Fire Hall Wednesday, Oct. 13, 3-7pm 2036 Valley Hwy, Acme Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson Vaccine recipients get $25 gift cards! Sorry, booster doses aren’t eligible for gift cards. Appointments aren’t required but if you’d like one you can sign up here: https://bit.ly/3lq0Rei PeaceHealth Cordata Clinic Wednesday, Oct. 13, 9am-noon AND 1-4pm Thursday, Oct.…
Provider Alert: Pop-Up Clinics For Week Of October 3rd 2021
You can get vaccinated for COVID-19 at most places you’d go for a flu vaccine, like grocery stores, pharmacies, and healthcare clinics. In addition to these, there are a number of pop-up clinics happening all over the county next week: PeaceHealth Cordata Clinic Wednesday, Oct. 6, 9am-noon AND 1-4pm Thursday, Oct. 7, 1-4pm Friday, Oct.…
9/29/2021 Health Advisory: COVID-19 Updates for Providers
COVID-19, Emerging Diseases and Conditions, Immunizations, Infection Control, Notifiable Conditions, Provider ResourcesRequested actions Be aware, Washington State is currently experiencing a shortage of anti-SARS-CoV-2 monoclonal antibodies (MAbs). Adhere to National Institutes of Health (NIH) guidelines on the use and prioritization of MAbs. Be aware, on Sept. 24 the Western States Scientific Safety Review Workgroup and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended a single booster dose of Pfizer-BioNTech (Comirnaty)…
Provider Alert: Pop-Up Clinics For Week Of September 26th 2021
You can get vaccinated for COVID-19 at most places you’d go for a flu vaccine, like grocery stores, pharmacies and healthcare clinics. In addition to these, there are a number of pop-up clinics happening all over the county next week: Tuesday, September 28 9 am – 3 pm East Whatcom Regional Resource Center MTI Pfizer,…
9/17/21 Health Advisory: Increases in Availability of Cannabis Products Containing Delta-8 THC and Reported Cases of Adverse Events
Summary The purpose of this Health Alert Network (HAN) Health Advisory is to alert public health departments, healthcare professionals, first responders, poison control centers, laboratories, and the public to the increased availability of cannabis products containing delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and the potential for adverse events due to insufficient labeling of products containing THC and cannabidiol…